Hello, and thanks for stopping by!
Get ready with that morning coffee or afternoon tea, or even maybe some late night snacking. My name is Alysha Ortiz, and as some would say a vibrant, fun, energetic and pretty easy going individual. Raised by an immigrant family, my mom being from Fiji; “namaste” my friend, and my dad being from El Salvador; “hola” amigo! I am privileged to have a unique background and be born in a beautiful city such as Calgary.
So why create this website? Great question. I created it as an outlet to share with you my experiences, passions, travels, pageant life, work life, fashion, delicious cuisines and most importantly share with you my journeys in my life. I hope my contents will inspire and motivate you to follow your dreams & enjoy life’s adventures.
Alysha Ortiz is a website for everyone, and anyone to feel connected, intrigued and to learn something new about YYC & more. I hope my fun, quirky, at times awkward and vibrant self will keep you hooked and excited for endless content through blogs, videos and pictures. Not a fan? Well keep scrolling through, and buckle up because it’s going to become like a coffee addiction :)